6 Signs That You Need Elder Care Help
There’s no manual that you receive when you have a senior that needs elder care at home. It’s a tough job that can lead to exhaustion, frustration, and stress, especially if you are the sole family caregiver or if your senior has complex medical issues.

Homecare in Murray UT: Signs That You Need Help
If any of the following things apply to you, it may be time to consider hiring help for your senior’s elder care at home.
1. You are forgetting things.
Are you missing deadlines or finding that you are forgetting important things at work, with your children, or with your senior at home? Stress and an overwhelming amount of things we try to do alone can cause us to forget important things which can cause problems in our lives. Caregivers can help take some of your tasks to free up time in your life and free up your mind.
2. You and your senior are arguing.
If you and the senior parent or loved one in your life have begun arguing or you are experiencing tension in your relationship that is unusual, it may be time to think about hiring help with their elder care. Sometimes when the family steps up and attempts to care for their parents, it can create issues that arise for some seniors who struggle with the sudden reversal of roles. Privacy can also be a concern for some if they need help with issues like going to the bathroom or changing soiled sheets, bedding, or clothes.
3. Your family is missing you
Is your own family feeling resentful that they aren’t getting enough of your time? Are your spouse or children having trouble getting used to all of the time you are spending away from home and all of the attention that you are having to give to your aging parent? If you are seeing signs that your family life has changed and are feeling guilty or sad that you aren’t able to be two important places at once, hiring the help of professionals from a home care company can give you back the precious time that you can once again spend with your family.
4. You aren’t getting enough sleep
Are you dragging in the mornings, having difficulty getting out of bed, consuming more caffeine than ever before to function, or finding that you are staying up late in the night to be able to get things done? Many family members struggle with sleep because often there is just too much to do. Hiring caregivers to help you with elder care can allow you to make your sleeping habits a priority, or even just to take a much-needed nap!
5. You feel unsure about your senior’s care
If your senior has complex medical issues or requires medications or procedures at home that you are a little nervous about helping with, consider home care where you can hire trained professionals that can help your senior with their health needs right there at home.
6. Your senior can’t be left alone
If your senior is not safe to be home alone and you find yourself worrying or hurrying back to make sure that they are okay, home care help might be just what you need for the peace of mind that your loved one is safe and never alone.
Are you or a loved one considering hiring Homecare in Murray, UT? Please talk to the friendly staff at December Rose Senior Care at Home. Providing Home Care in Highland, Utah and Surrounding Communities. 801-427-ROSE (7673)
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