Elder Care in Provo UT
Risk Factors for Alzheimer’s Disease
Homecare in Provo UT: Alzheimer’s disease can be frustrating, overwhelming, and scary. However, before the disease hits, it is important to know about some of the risk factors for this disease.
Read MoreThe Main Reasons Why Family Caregivers Don’t Get Enough Sleep
Caregiver in Provo UT: Sleep experts make it clear, people are not getting enough sleep. Eight hours is the goal. Less than seven hours is detrimental for most. How close are you to those targets?
Read MoreHow Connected Are You as a Caregiver?
Caregiver in Provo UT: You might feel as if you spend all sorts of time around people every day, but how connected are you really?
Read MoreWhat is Dry Macular Degeneration?
Elderly Care in Provo UT: As people age, they sometimes experience vision problems. They may even have permanently impaired vision or go entirely blind. Vision problems may be caused by a number of different conditions.
Read MoreMeaningful Ways Your Senior Can Leave a Legacy for Your Family
Elder Care in Provo UT: Many elderly adults struggle with facing their mortality. As they get older and confront their health issues, they begin to think about a time when they will no longer be around and their family will not have them any longer.
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